During hypnosis, regardless of whether subjects are actually conscious or in a form of trance, they are voluntarily entering a deep relaxation state, and in this state, either through the instrument of a hypnotherapist or through their own deep concentration, they are able to absorb suggestions – in the manner of a placebo effect – and on emergence from a hypnotic state, demonstrate remarkable mental or physiological responses to ideas presented under hypnosis.
Recent neuroscience experiments using hypnosis have dealt with colour perception, and MRI brain imaging has identified that in a post-hypnotic state, highly hypnotizable subjects were able to overcome ‘natural’ conflicts in the brain and brain activity altered during a testing exercise.
For many, stress is simply a bad habit.
Some people naturally handle stress better than others, but everyone if pushed hard enough will find their personal threshold, beyond which life becomes chaotic, erupting in emotional and habitual behaviors that are often self-destructive or destructive to others.
Stress is often erroneously associated with success.
Many people believe that unless they are feeling stressed they are not working hard enough. Some people even believe that stress motivates them.
To some degree, short-term stress can motivate us, but chronic habitual stress is destructive.
Hypnosis and meditation are highly effective tools for stress relief.