Hypno Fertility

Loving pregnant woman with small teddy bear

It offers a great resource to patients undergoing fertility procedures prior, during, and after their fertility procedure.

 The story starts when someone is looking to conceive a baby…

Time goes by and nothing happens. Each month the tension grows more, and brings anxiety and fear.

Then you know something is not right and you might be experiencing infertility.

Your mind is convinced that you might be infertile, and start creating all the possible escenarios. The thoughts are filled with uncertainty, and is scary just to imagine the visit to a fertility doctor.

You talk to family and friends who tell you everything about their great stories of how easy and fast was for them to conceive. Then you become certain that something is definitely happening with your fertility. 

At this point you can’t sleep or work without thinking about the uncertain future, and even have visions of you being childless.


Does it sounds exaggerated?

Well, it is not. Every day thousands of couples worldwide are discovering they have been reproductively challenged. And they too believe to be the only ones in this journey.

They all go through the same feelings of worry and uncertainty for what is coming next.

People is always talking about knowing someone who know someone having difficulties conceiving a baby too. It is very common today. 

And now you might be one of them.

So many thoughts cross your mind, and by the time you finally visit the fertility clinic things are so blurry and complex that you end up not even remembering 10% of what was discussed with your doctor.

It is very frequent for fertility patients to forget information already provided, and to ask the same questions about their procedure over and over.

The whole fertility procedure can be complex, but the uncertainty and doubts make things more difficult to understand.

Why me? (that is the usual question).

There is a whole story involved with the journey of fertility.

Does any of this seems familiar to you?

Every time you feel doubts and fears about your fertility, the cells of your body become more ill and incapable of regenerating properly. That is how most diseases start. 


Have you really tried to convince your mind that you hold control over any reaction of your own body? 

A healthy lifestyle can make wonders in fertility. A good low carbohydrates eating-habit, and the right amount of exercises make a huge contribution into your present or future procedure. But, this is not all.

People can follow a healthy lifestyle and still having difficulties with their fertility.

A research made by Dr. Elizabeth Muir in London concluded that 45% of women with unexplained infertility were able to conceive and carry the pregnancy full term after hypnosis. She said: “Hypnotherapy is particularly successful in the area of fertility, and enable us to access the subconscious issues, which might be related to fertility. Very often an individual is not aware of those issues. With the skilled use of hypnotherapy, a subject is helped to elicit her own individual ability to resolve her specific issues of fertility”.

Hypnotherapy has become an important tool used to identify and process roadblocks and fears that may be preventing fertility.

Psychological distress may impair fertility, and depressive symptoms may reduce the efficiency of infertility treatments, and have a significant impact on success rates.

The subconscious becomes the main focus of attention when it comes to find the cause of infertility.

Stress can have a big effect on fertility. Stress hormones affect the hypothalamus and pituitary glands and reproductive organs. In women under stress, the reproductive hormone prolactin is over-produced and this can interfere with ovulation. The hypothalamus stops secreting gonadotrophin hormone, which in turn will affect the release of both the luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. As these hormones stimulate ovulation – fertility is affected.

Reproduction is one of our most delicately balanced biological systems. Psychological stress can affect our ability to get pregnant on multiple levels, including inhibition of the hypothalamus that helps regulate hormonal levels, or over activation of the hypothalamus which can change the pituitary and adrenal responses. Since the pituitary regulates both how much of a hormone is made and how much is released in the body, its alteration can have dramatic effects on the hormonal balance necessary for ovulation, fertilization, tubal functioning or even successful implantation of the egg once it reaches the womb.

The neurochemical barrage that is associated with the “fight or flight” response in all human bodies, and which can be triggered by a threat to self-esteem or dignity, translates in the body as contraction of the muscles, an acceleration of the cardiovascular system, and the release of “emergency” hormones throughout the body. The body is on alarm, energy is directed toward the areas needed for actual “fight” or “flight” such as the arms and legs, and away from areas the brain considers less important. Unfortunately, the reproductive system is the most expendable. Once a chronic imbalance of the autonomic nervous system is created, only the regular and consistent practice of relaxation will facilitate the restoration of the parasympathetic nervous system. Here is where the Solfeggio and Bineural frequencies have shown great improvement. Hypnotherapy provides an effective means of establishing that restoration and enables women to establish the level of safety essential for reproduction to occur.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) can be difficult for many couples, and in occasions the results might not be encouraging and tend to increase the stress levels.


As professionals in this field, we know exactly how to address patient’s going through these challenges. It can be difficult and scary at the same time. Because the patient believes that has not control over the procedure, and that everything is done by the team of doctors and scientists involved in the case. This is not absolutely true. The patient has a lot to offer, and the quality of the cells after cellular regeneration and command play an important role during the procedure.

This will be greatly improved by the use of the four stage program with the reinforcement of health directed towards the germ cells involved in the process of fertility.

