Hypno Lifestyle and Stress Management

Beautiful and athletic girl with colorful balloons jumping on the beach

Life is really very simple. What we give out, we get back.

The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our reality.

The subconscious mind accepts whatever we choose to believe. 


If we choose to believe that life is lonely and sad or happy and fullfilled, that is what it will be created. 


Whatever we believe becomes true.


It is not always easy to manage stress. There are several techniques and self-hypnosis practices that can be beneficial for people going through stress.

If you are often feeling depressed, anxious, or stressed, you are not alone.

We are in a bad-mood epidemic, a hundred times more likely to have significant mood problems than people born a hundred years ago. And these problems are on the rise.

Adults rates of depression and anxiety have tripled since 1990. and over 80 percent of those who consult medical doctors today complain of excessive stress.

Our children are also in trouble, with at least one in ten suffering from significant mood disorders.

It is clear that our moods are deteriorating at unprecedented rates.

People are forced to turn more and more to medication and drugs for solace.

These emotions can be relieved through counselling. However, if they get reprised or misdirected they can cause long-term sequels that might have a big impact in life, an imprint that can last forever.

Have you notice some people tend to change their emotions suddenly without understanding the reasons? Or why some people who used to be quiet and calm suddenly become violent and intolerant? It is because the roots of behaviour are deep into the subconscious, and they might not even know about it.

These roots can be found, released and replaced.

There is no need to live with these kinds of negative feelings on a regular basis.

The four emotion generators in your brain are called “neurotransmitters”. Some of their specific names will probably be familiar to you.

Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers that send signals from one neuron (nerve cell) to another throughout your entire nervous system.

Serotonins, cathecolamines, GABA, and endorphins. Each of these four neurotransmitters has a distinctly different effect on your mood.

A well-stocked brain produces true emotions, depending on your life circumstances, you’ll generally feel emotionally positive if your key neurotransmitter levels are high.


A poorly stocked brain produces false moods: if you drop too low in any of the key neurotransmitters, you will tend to develop a specific set of defective moods as a result.

The standard symptoms may come and go, become more or less intense, or remain constant.

What happens in hypnosis and meditation is that the balance of chemical neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine change dramatically both during hypnosis and afterwards, the latter apparently as a direct response to suggestions.

The act of entering hypnosis and meditation, often induced through calming and a meditative practice appears to increase serotonin levels (feel-good, inner peace neurotransmitters) and this primes the brain for acceptance of hypnotic suggestions, whilst dampening conflict responses.

Dopamine levels (alertness, excitation neurotransmitters) are reduced.

Importantly, this is precisely the chemical reaction that takes place with the use of most bulk standard anti-depressants.

The primary difference between use of anti-depressants and hypnosis is that the effect of hypnosis is actually a memory or suggestion-triggered response, and not a largely chemical one.

Through concentrated relaxation techniques, humans have the capacity to influence their own biological and neurochemical reactions through suggested/learned problem solving.

While the effects are limited, it may be possible to use hypnosis to ‘train’ the brain to emulate the effects of drug treatment, or respond to physical injury, learning/business challenges and personal/personality problems – all through moderation of neurotransmitter levels and triggering of other biochemical responses.

Stress and anxiety are literally epidemic in our culture, and are among the top reasons people seek hypnosis.

In order for hypnosis to be effective, you need to become deeply relaxed. One of the best ways to do this is to close your eyes and start with some slow, deep breathing.

You can begin making suggestive statements to yourself such as “I am becoming increasingly relaxed with each breath” or “I feel the tension leaving every muscle in my body as I relax”. Continue breathing deeply and slowly. It can help to systematically focus on each muscle group in your body and relax one after the other. Also, while you are breathing, visualize the stress leaving your body.


Referenced: www.abouthypnosis.com, Mood cure by Julia Ross, Louise Hay.